Вопрос по английскому языку:
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the adverb in brackets.
1. Since my cousin moved away, I see him ……. than I did before. (frequently)
2. I meet Arnold only a month. I see him ……. of all my friends. (rarely)
3. Of all the girls, Mary dresses ……. . (beautifully)
4. Of all the people in the queue Mr.Hansen waited for the bus ……. . He never said a word of
complaint. (patiently)
5. I like it when Jane does the washing-up. She washes the plates ……. than I do. (carefully)
6. Bob arrived at 11. I wish he had arrived ……. . (early)
7. James runs ……. than Gerald. He runs ……. of all of us in fact. (fast)
8. Of all my friends he lives ……. to my block of flats. (near)
9. David always sings ……. of all. (loudly)
10. Polly’s eyes are not very good. From this distance you can see ……. than she. (clearly)
11. There have been a few sunny days in April, but today the sun shines ……. of all. (brightly)
12. ……. or ……. everyone in your class will choose a career for themselves. (soon, late)
13. Saying “Thanks” is just not enough. Can’t you thank your auntie ……. ? (politely)
14. Lucy is a slow thinker but her little sister Annie thinks even………..(slowly) 15. Why don’t you come to see me……..? I miss you. (often)-
1. more frequently 2. most rarely 3. most beautifuly4. most patiently5. more carefully 6. earlier 7. faster, the fastest 8. the nearest 9. most loudly 10. more clearly 11. most brightly 12. sooner or later 13. more politely14. more slowly 15. more often
Вопрос по английскому языку:
ответить на вопросы
1.When did England become a great country?
2.When did William the Conqueror come to England from France.What do you know about him?
3.What do you know about the Tower of London?Who built the White Tower?Why?
4.When was the Great Fire of London?
5.Did the people of London build a new city after the fire?
6.What can you say about the capital of England at the end of the 20th century?
b)The USA
1.Who discovered America?
2.What was the name of the ship that sailed from England to America?
3.Were there any women on board the*Mayflower*?
4.Who was the first president of the United States?
5.How many states are there in the USA?
6.What is the capital of the USA?
Ответов: 2
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Перепишите данные предложения в пассивном залоге.
1) James Joyce wrote this book.
This book was written by James Joyce
2) They deliever the post every day.
3) Birds eat seeds.
4) A storm destroyed three houses in the neighbourhood.
5) They built the school in 1956
6) Does shee cook dinner every night?
7) Ben didn't steal Johny's bag.
8) They found the missing painting.
9) Fiona takes the dog for a walk every day.
ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Напишите!!!-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по беларуской мове:
Прачытайце сказы. Размясцице их у такой паслядоунасци,каб атрымауся тэкст.1.Моцнай дзюбай прабивае ен кару вялик... дрэва. 2. Пад карой лясн... доктар адшуквае маленьк... шкодника и знишчае яго. 3. Без добр... дзятла не выжыве ни адно дрэва у лесе. 4. Ад чорненьк... вока гэтай птушки не схавацца шкодникам! Запишице тэкст,даписваючы канчатки выдзеленых прыметникау. Вызначце склон гэтых прыметникау. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по биологии:
1. Каковы особенности строения бактериальной клетки? Какие химические вещества образуют тело бактерий?
2. Назовите основные формы бактериальных клеток.
3. Как перемещаются бактерии?
4. Используя материал учебника, составьте таблицу и внесите в неё группы бактерий и способы получения ими энергии.
5. Встречаются ли среди бактерий хищники?
6. Какую систематическую группу образуют архебактерии?
7. Какие организмы называют аэробами? Почему? В чём их отличия от анаэробов?
8. Перечислите особенности строения клеток цианобактерий.
9. Как размножаются бактерии?
10. Как вы думаете, почему бактерии считают наиболее древними организмами?
11. Обсудите в классе, как можно предотвратить цветение водоёмов.
Ответов: 1