Вопрос по английскому языку:
my cousins have invited me to go the zoo.
i don't like zoos.
i hate seeing animals in cages.
what can i tell them?-
I can tell them that I strongly against people who keep animals in cages. That's why I never go to the zoos and I won't go this time either.
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Tick the correct box and say.
a)Wgich is the biggest city?
Moscow Berlin
London Paris
b)Which is the largest country
Great Britain Russia
The USA France
c)Which is the warmest season
Spring Summer
Winter Autumn
d)Which is the warmest season?
May February
August January
e)Which is the longest day
The 22nd of December The 22nd of June
The 20th of April The 2nd of September
Помогите,надо ответить....-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите перевести!!!
1.«No one in the world looks exactly alike, even identical' twins. People are different colours and sizes...»
2."People are brought up1 differently: some can be kind, considerate and well-mannered, others are selfish, unhelpful and very ill-mannered. Some are happy and caring, others are sad, spiteful and strict."
3."There are people with a nice sense of humour. Some people laugh at things, others don't. Different people find different things funny. Some people are moody and take things too seriously."
4." People have different tastes in clothes and friends, they like different styles and fashions and different kind of music. Some people like dresses and some like jeans."
5."People behave differently and act differently. Not everybody knows how to socialize with others. Some people think that they are better than other people and there are people who are very good but don't talk about it. Some are better on the inside than on the outside, others are better on the outside than the inside."
6."We also have different dialects and languages and different cultures."
7."Things you believe in can be quite different. Some people might be Christian, some people might not have a religion at all."
8."Some people want to work in an office or to be a doctor, some want to be a lifeguard, but other people want to be a lazy lump of cheese."
9."The main thing that makes people different is how they look. Some have blond and some have brown hair. People also have different eyes colour. Some people are taller than others. People have faces of different shapes and hair of different length. Some people are fat and some are hairier than others..."
10."Some people are bigheaded, clever and smart. And everybody has a different level of education."
11."Some people have a bad temper and don't get along with others. There are nasty people and nice people. Most people are loving but some are not."
12."We all have different views and opinions."
13."Some people are good at practical things, others sit for hours with their noses in the books, but everyone has a special talent for some particular activity."-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
After the building came under his control in
1820 he commissioned his favourite architect,
John Nash, to __________________ it on a
more magnificent scale.
Despite costly alterations, which reached
around half a million pounds, the palace wasn't
occupied until Victoria became Queen in 1837
and made it the _______________ royal
residence in London.
The palace has 775 rooms, of which 19 are
State Rooms. But only two sections of the
palace are ___________________ open to the
public: the Royal Mews which contain royal
vehicles from coaches and Rolls-Royces to
horses, and the Queen's Gallery, which displays
paintings from the priceless Royal Collection.
Ответов: 1