Вопрос по английскому языку:
Another important invention which has contributed greatly to our modern knowledge was writing. At first, writing was a special form of drawing, and was usually very simple. But gradually these primitive drawings turned into letters. From the counting of days and months, man went on to count cattle and sheep and the earliest forms of arithmetic appeared. The Greeks were the first people to use writing to record language as spoken by contemporary men; and their works are still widely read today, for information and for pleasure.
переведите пожалуйста-
Другим важным изобретением, которое в значительной степени способствовало нашим современным знаниям - это письменность. Сначала письмо было особой формой рисунка, и, как правило, очень простого. Но постепенно эти примитивные рисунки превратились в письма. От подсчета дней и месяцев, человек перешёл к подсчёту крупного рогатого скота и овец, и появились ранние формы арифметики. Греки были первыми людьми, которые использовали письменность для записи тогдашней устной речи, и их труды до сих пор широко читаются в наше время, как для получения информации и для развлечений.
Еще 4 ненужных тебе вопроса, но это важно для поиска
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Complete the dialogue. put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect simple.
A. ___ you ever ___ (hear) of Thomas Mapother IV?
B. No,I ___ (never/hear) of him. Who is he ?
A. He's an actor. He (mace) loads of famous films.
B. Well, I ___ (never/see) a film with him in it.
A. What abaut Mission Impossible ? It was on TV last night. ___ you ___ (see) it?
B. Yes, but that ___ (be) with Tom Cruise.
A. Ah, but Thomas Mapother IV is Tom Cruise's real name. He ___ (change) it before he got famous.-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
помогите пожалуйста! вставьте в текст слова: buy, choose, live, play, raise, light, travel, walk.
Last year eight children from Chernobyl ____ around Great Britain for a month. The CLL prepared that trip for them. On December 20 th they visited Harrods. They ____ around the store for five hours. Christmas music ____ all day long. Children and adults ___ and ___ presents. The children from Chernobyl got their presents, too!
Ответов: 5
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1)I felt sick. Later, I realised | _ (eat) some bad food.
2) She didn't know the area because she (not live) there since she was a child.
3)First, I spoke to Sam. Then, I _ (meet) Jo.
5) I was sad when I heard that my old teacher _ (die) two years earlier.
6)We arrived at 8.oo but he _ (already leave).
7)We were thirsty. We _ (not drink) anything since 1.oo p.m.
8)Where _ (you go) after dinner yesterday?
9)I love cycling holidays. I _ (get) my first bike when I was seven.
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
вставьте в предложения слова из скобок
1) I watch videos with my friends( usually)
2)My little brother plays with his blocks in the playground(often)
3)We go to the park(on Sundays)
4)My parents play Scrabble(sometimes)
5)I help my granny(always)-
Ответов: 1