Вопрос по английскому языку:
Пожалуйста :( Напишите отрицание и задайте 5 вопросов к предложению:Big department stores have different departments.
Big department stores don't have different departments.
How big are stores?
What is inside the stores?
Are the departments the same?
Do stores have departments?
Are different departments in butcher's?
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите кто сможет хоть к парочке слов составить эти словосочетания.
Найдите в тексте эквиваленты русских словосочетаний и выпишите их:
Непрерывное обучение;
работать для удовольствия;
сравнивать с правом;
как упомянуто в;
компетентен в области техники;
взаимоотношение "врач - пациент";
индивидуальный опыт;
количество задействованных людей;
отсутствие четкости;
общепризнанное понятие профессионализма;
высокий уровень компетентности;
обычно ассоциируется с..;
определять значение слова по словарю;
ограниченное толкование;
тип ответственности;
поскольку на ставку поставлена жизнь людей;
сделать ошибку;
в соответствии с..;
широкий диапазон видов деятельности;
инженеру требуются специальные знания;
чьи усилия оплачиваются;
длительный период времени;
в отличие от любителя.
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Look at the picture of the great English artist William Hogarth “Marriage à la Mode”. Complete the description with the correct form of the verb. Use only FULL forms. (IS NOT/AM NOT/ARE NOT)
"Marriage Contract" is the first episode of the series by William Hogarth, which shows the signing of a marriage contract. As you can see, the man and the woman, the bride and groom, 1(not speak) Ответ
with each other: the man 2(to look) Ответ
in the mirror, and the woman 3(to flirt) Ответ
with another young man, the lawyer Silvertongue. The fathers 4(discuss) Ответ
the marriage contract. The groom's father, Count Squander, 5(to hold) Ответ
a picture with his family tree, and the bride's father 6(to read) Ответ
the contract. The fathers are more interested in themselves than in the marriage of their children. With this marriage, the groom's family wants to avoid bankruptcy. The bride's family hopes to buy themselves a high status in society. The lord's architect 7(to stand) Ответ
near the window. He 8(to look) Ответ
at the construction of Squander's palace. Two dogs that symbolize the young couple 9(to sit) Ответ
in the corner.
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
III. Read the text. Can you guess which numbers go in the gaps?1,000,000 (one million) 100,000,000 (one hundred million) 5 8 740 500,000 (five hundred thousand) 77,000,000 9,000,000 59 3
Transport facts!
1. People in most countries drive on the right - but people drive on the left in (a) ___ countries, including Japan, India, Australia and Britain.
2. In the USA (b) ___ people in every thousand drive car. In Japan, it's 640 and in Germanу it`s 570. More than (c) ___ people in the world ride a bicycle!
3. In Tokyo people never wait for more than (d) ___ minutes for an underground train. The only problem is it's often difficult to get on or off a train because they're sо crowded!
(c) ___ people fly to Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta, USA every year! (That's about one hundred end fifty people every minute!)
4. In Chinа, the 30 km journey from Shanghai city centre to Pudeng Airport takes only f) ___ minutes on the new Magnetic Levitation (Маg Lev) train.
5. Most people in Moscow go to work by underground. The Moscow Metro has 165 stations and about (g) ___ passengers every day. The stations in the city centre are very beautiful.
6. Every day more than (h) ___ people travel into the centre of London. About 20% drive, 77% take the train or the bus, and only (i) ___ % walk to work!
7. In Italy, a country of 57 million people. 8 million people have scooters. In Rome, (j) ___ people ride scooters so they can travel fast in the city traffic.
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Письмо англоговорящему другу,про мистическое существо типа :Я хочу тебе рассказать про мистическое сущетсво называемое Люцифером.
Написать на английском.-
Ответов: 1