Вопрос по английскому языку:
Complete the sentences below using the words from the box. any do doesn't doesn't have. don't have. has. have. some 1. I ............ a car, so I take the bus to work. 2. Do you have ............ money? 3. Luke ............ a pen. Can he borrow yours? 4. Lorraine ............. a new computer. 5. The new office ............ have a car park. 6. ............ you have any time this afternoon? 7. We ............ a staff meeting every Monday morning, and everyone hates it. 8. I have ............ questions for you. Can we have a meeting?-
Вопрос по английскому языку:
I. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в них сказуемое и определите его видо-
временную форму и залог. Обратите внимание наособенности перевода пассивных конструкций.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
a) 1 I had been using this device for several hours when you came.
2 After the new device had been tested it was installed in our laboratory.
b) 1 The fission process was followed by the fusion one which releases even greater
2 This problem was dealt with at the last seminar.
II. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите их
функции, то есть укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью сказуемого.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1 If the right-hand plate is given a negative charge, electrons in the other plate are repelled into the
ground leaving that plate positively charged.
2 Studying the nature of light and colour Newton carried out many experiments with a prism.
3 The equipment tested required some improvement.
4 The state uses the accumulation and consumption funds when planning the distribution of the national
III. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в них модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1 You ought to look through some latest magazines before you begin working at your report.
2 He was able to overcome all the difficulties in this research work.
3 The engineer will have to take into account all the factors influencing the properties of this alloy.
4 Air should be let into the cylinder of the engine because no fuel will burn without air.
IV. Перепишите сложноподчиненные предложения, имеющие в своем составе относительные
местоимения и наречия. Выделите в них придаточное предложение. Переведите предложения на
русский язык (см. образец).
1 Lomonosov was born in the town of Kholmogory which is near Arkhangelsk.
2 At the age of 17 he left the town where he had spent his childhood.
3 Pushkin called Lomonosov whom he admired “our first university”.
4 Moscow University is named after Lomonisov who did a lot to open it.
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
The game played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a round ball into the other team's goal. 15. The sport of going up mountains or rocks. 16. The sport of swimming under water using special equipment to help you breathe. 17. An activity in which you chase and kill animals for food or sport. 18. The sport or business of catching fish. 19. A game for two people or two pairs of people who use rackets to hit a small soft ball backwards and forwards over a net. 20. A type of physical exercise you do listening to music. 21. An outdoor game between two teams of nine players, in which players. try to get points by hitting a ball and running around four bases. 22. A game played on grass by two teams of 11 players, with sticks and a ball. 23. A Japanese fighting sport, in which you use your feet and hands to hit and kick. 24. The activity of taking long walks in the mountains or country.-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
1 Choose the correct option. 1 You must / mustn't talk during the exam. 2 You must / mustn't be late for school. 3 You must / mustn't work hard if you want to go to university. 4 You must / mustn't talk on the phone in the classroom. 5 You must/mustn't forget your homework. помогите срочно-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Упражнение 1. Заполните таблицу, используя следующие формы глагола. Complete the table with the base forms and the past participles. Use the words in the box.Lose, taken, swim, bought, do, written, run, eaten, take, won, write, done, buy, lost, win, run, eat, swumbase formpast simplepast participle _________________________________________________________________________________boughtdidatelostranswamtookwonwrote_________________________________________________________________________________ Утвердительные предложения в Present Perfect Tense. Упражнения.Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.He _____ (finish) training.She _____ (score) twenty points in the match.We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches this season.That's amazing! She _____ (run) fifteen kilometers this morning!She _____ (buy) some really nice rollerblades!Oh, no! I _____ (lose) my money!My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit!I’m tired. I _____ (watch) three X-Files videos.Hurry up! They _____ (start) the film!Mary _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.Oh no! She _____ (drop) the plate!The garden is very green. It _____ (rain) a lot this month.These are my favourite trousers. I _____ (have) them for five years.Tom's my best friend. I _____ (know) him for three years.They _____ (live) in Miami for two years.Jo has earache. He _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock.Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998.Отрицательные предложения в Present Perfect Simple. Упражнения. Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect negative.I _____ (not clean) my football boots.They _____ (not start) their meal.I _____ (not do) my homework.He _____ (not win) all his matches this year.My brother and I _____ (not see) any films this week.It's my birthday party today. I _____ (not invite) many people.He _____ (not wash) his hands. They're very dirty.Mum's really angry. We _____ (not tidy) our room!I can't play with my friends this evening. I _____ (not finish) my homework.I _____ (not visit) New York for three years.Where's Alison? We _____ (not see) her since yesterday.Dad _____ (not take) a holiday since last August.John _____ (not play) the violin since he was at school. For или since?Упражнение 4. В письме есть 4 ошибки на использование for и since. Найдите и исправьте их. These are some sentences from Nigel’s letter home from Africa. He has made four mistakes in using ‘for’ and ‘since’. Correct his mistakes.Dear Mum and Dad,I've lived in Africa since two weeks and I love it! Africa is beautiful! I haven’t travelled to any faraway place for last summer. I’m so happy now!I’ve already seen Mr. Rambler. He is working for WWF here and taking photos of wild animals. I haven’t seen any lions yet. I think I’ll see them later.Thank you for the trip. I’ve dreamed of Kenya for my childhood. I haven’t seen you since ages! I miss you so much!Love, Nigel.Упражнение 5. Дополните предложения словами for или since. Complete the sentences. Use for or since.I've lived in Washington _____ 1997.Ben has studied English _____ three years.They haven't visited their grandparents _____ months.Julie's ill. She's been in bed _____ Tuesday.My dad has had his car_____ sixteen.It's been ten years_____ we moved to Oxford.Упражнение 6. Пользуясь опорными словами, a также словами for и since составьте предложения в Present Perfect Simple.Kate/be/in bed/a long time.She / not eat / anything / this morning.She / not see / her friends / a week.She / stay / at home / Tuesday.She / have / a red nose / three days.She / not play / basketball / last weekend. She / not do / any school work / Monday.Больше упражнений на for и since.Вопросительные предложения в Present Perfect Tense. Упражнения.Упражнение 7. Zork и Zena – инопланетяне, впервые прилетевшие на Землю. Они составили список дел. Напишите вопросы и ответы о том, что они уже сделали, а чего пока нет.Пример:Zork (eat) a hamburger?Has Zork eaten a hamburger?Yes, he has. Zork and Zena (drink) a cola? Have Zork and Zena drunk a cola?No, they haven't.английский язык упражненияZena (see) a film?Zork and Zena (speak) English?Zork (swim) in the sea?Zena (visit) the Acropolis?Zork and Zena (drive) a car?-
Ответов: 1