Вопрос по английскому языку:
Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.
1. Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”.
2. «She doesn’t know the latest news,» he said
3. Mary said: “I will help my sister.”
4. They told me: “We were really happy.”
5. «We have been using this software for two years,» said Troy.
6. She said: “I live in a big apartment.”
7. «I’ve always loved this song,» said Betty.
8. He told her: “I am going to the fish market.”
9. «She will copy the CD for me,» Tom told Bill.
10. Betty said: “I found my passport.”
11. «I am considering a career in showbusiness,» Ken told his sister.
12. «I downloaded the program for you,» said Jane.
13. Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.”
14. «I can’t get this device to work,» said Steven.
15. «You mustn’t press this button,» said Fran
16. Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”
17.”He came yesterday.” She said that ……………
18. “My parents will arrive today.” He said that ……………
19.“I will contact you tomorrow.” He said ………………
20.“I was there the day before yesterday.” She said
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Упражнение 1. Заполните таблицу, используя следующие формы глагола. Complete the table with the base forms and the past participles. Use the words in the box.Lose, taken, swim, bought, do, written, run, eaten, take, won, write, done, buy, lost, win, run, eat, swumbase formpast simplepast participle _________________________________________________________________________________boughtdidatelostranswamtookwonwrote_________________________________________________________________________________ Утвердительные предложения в Present Perfect Tense. Упражнения.Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.He _____ (finish) training.She _____ (score) twenty points in the match.We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches this season.That's amazing! She _____ (run) fifteen kilometers this morning!She _____ (buy) some really nice rollerblades!Oh, no! I _____ (lose) my money!My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit!I’m tired. I _____ (watch) three X-Files videos.Hurry up! They _____ (start) the film!Mary _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.Oh no! She _____ (drop) the plate!The garden is very green. It _____ (rain) a lot this month.These are my favourite trousers. I _____ (have) them for five years.Tom's my best friend. I _____ (know) him for three years.They _____ (live) in Miami for two years.Jo has earache. He _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock.Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998.Отрицательные предложения в Present Perfect Simple. Упражнения. Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect negative.I _____ (not clean) my football boots.They _____ (not start) their meal.I _____ (not do) my homework.He _____ (not win) all his matches this year.My brother and I _____ (not see) any films this week.It's my birthday party today. I _____ (not invite) many people.He _____ (not wash) his hands. They're very dirty.Mum's really angry. We _____ (not tidy) our room!I can't play with my friends this evening. I _____ (not finish) my homework.I _____ (not visit) New York for three years.Where's Alison? We _____ (not see) her since yesterday.Dad _____ (not take) a holiday since last August.John _____ (not play) the violin since he was at school. For или since?Упражнение 4. В письме есть 4 ошибки на использование for и since. Найдите и исправьте их. These are some sentences from Nigel’s letter home from Africa. He has made four mistakes in using ‘for’ and ‘since’. Correct his mistakes.Dear Mum and Dad,I've lived in Africa since two weeks and I love it! Africa is beautiful! I haven’t travelled to any faraway place for last summer. I’m so happy now!I’ve already seen Mr. Rambler. He is working for WWF here and taking photos of wild animals. I haven’t seen any lions yet. I think I’ll see them later.Thank you for the trip. I’ve dreamed of Kenya for my childhood. I haven’t seen you since ages! I miss you so much!Love, Nigel.Упражнение 5. Дополните предложения словами for или since. Complete the sentences. Use for or since.I've lived in Washington _____ 1997.Ben has studied English _____ three years.They haven't visited their grandparents _____ months.Julie's ill. She's been in bed _____ Tuesday.My dad has had his car_____ sixteen.It's been ten years_____ we moved to Oxford.Упражнение 6. Пользуясь опорными словами, a также словами for и since составьте предложения в Present Perfect Simple.Kate/be/in bed/a long time.She / not eat / anything / this morning.She / not see / her friends / a week.She / stay / at home / Tuesday.She / have / a red nose / three days.She / not play / basketball / last weekend. She / not do / any school work / Monday.Больше упражнений на for и since.Вопросительные предложения в Present Perfect Tense. Упражнения.Упражнение 7. Zork и Zena – инопланетяне, впервые прилетевшие на Землю. Они составили список дел. Напишите вопросы и ответы о том, что они уже сделали, а чего пока нет.Пример:Zork (eat) a hamburger?Has Zork eaten a hamburger?Yes, he has. Zork and Zena (drink) a cola? Have Zork and Zena drunk a cola?No, they haven't.английский язык упражненияZena (see) a film?Zork and Zena (speak) English?Zork (swim) in the sea?Zena (visit) the Acropolis?Zork and Zena (drive) a car?-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Complete the sentences. 1. British teenagers leave home... 2. Many teenagers leave home in search ... 3. Some of 'bedsitter' have ... 4. Living in empty houses is called ... 5.... are rather important problems for those who live apart from their parents. 6. Many older parents...-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
СРОЧНО ДАЮ 50б 1 Complete the description with the words below. both, but , common , contrast , difference , first , second , shows , unlike, whereas. 1 ______________ photos show a group of people who are all surrounding one person and looking at them. The 2 ______________ theme in the two photos is celebration. The first photo 3 ______________ a very old man at the centre, 4 ______________ the second photo shows a young woman in her twenties. It must be the old man’s birthday because he is sitting in front of a birthday cake, and the other people must be members of his family because they are all different ages. In 5 ______________ to the first photo, the people in the 6 ______________ photo must be the woman’s friends as they are all roughly the same age as her. In the 7 ______________ photo the people are also wearing party clothes, 8 ______________ in the second photo they are just wearing jeans and T-shirts. Another obvious 9 ______________ is that the woman isn’t sitting down – she is walking through a door into a house. Judging by the expression on her face, she wasn’t expecting to find everyone there. So, 10 ______________ the first photo, it must be a surprise celebration.-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
2 Read the article again and answer the questions. Write complete sentences. 1 What did Ibn Battuta do before he left home? 2 How many years did Ibn Battuta travel for? 3 How many countries did Ibn Battuta go to? 4 What did he do when he was an old man? 5 When did Magellan become a sailor? 6 How long did the journey from Spain to the Philippines take? 7 How did Magellan find his way?-
Ответов: 1