Вопрос по английскому языку:
Пожалуйста помогите задать все типы вопросов к предложениям
( помните , что в вопросе к подлежащему глагол стоит в форме 3 лица ед. числа)
1) The students were writing a test at 12 o`clock yesterday
2) The students had written a test by 12 o`clock yesterday
Общ- were the students writing a test at 12 o'clock yesterday?К подл-who was writing a test at 12 o'clock yesterday?К сказ- what were the students doing at 12 o'clock yesterday?Спец- when were the students writing a test ?Спец-what were the students writing at 12 o'clock yesteday?Спец- why were the stydents writing a test at 12 o'clock yesterday?Альт- were the students writing a test or an essay at 12 o'clock yesterday?Разд- the students were writing a test at 12 o'clock yesterday, weren't they?Общ- had the students written a test by 12 o'clock yesterday?К подл-who had written a test by 12 o'clock yesterday?К сказ-what had the students done by 12 o'clock yesterday?Спец- when had the students written a test?Спец- why had the students written a test by 12 o'clock yesterday?Спец- what had the studens written by 12 o'clock yesterday?Альт- had the students or the pupils written a test by 12 o'clock yesterday?Разд- the students had written a test by 12 o'clock yesterday, hadn't they?Ответ:
The students were writing a test at 12 o'clock yesterday, weren't they?Were the students writing a test at 12 o'clock yesterday?Who was writing a test at 12 o'clock yesterday?Were the students or the teachers writing a test at 12 o'clock yesterday?What were the students writing at 12 o'clock yesteday?What were the students doing at 12 o'clock yesterday?When were the students writing a test ?************************************The students had written a test by 12 o'clock yesterday, hadn't they?Had the students written a test by 12 or 14 o'clock yesterday?What had the students done by 12 o'clock yesterday?Had the students written a test by 12 o'clock yesterday?Who had written a test by 12 o'clock yesterday?What had the studens written by 12 o'clock yesterday?
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Ответить на вопросы: 1. Who tidies up your room? 2. Who does the ironing in your family? 3. Who does the cooking in your family? 4. Who fixes things in your family? 5. Who does the shopping in your family? 6. Who does the washing up in your family?
Ответов: 2
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Is your mum a dancer? Ответ на вопрос-
Ответов: 3
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Написать диалог по английски, всего надо 10 реплик(по пять каждому герою) с переводом. На любую тему
Ответов: 3
Вопрос по английскому языку:
It's quicker if you take the .................. through the mountain-
Ответов: 1