Вопрос по английскому языку:
НАРОД Подскажите пожалуйста если кто знает:
отрицательное/вопросительное/альтернативное/разделительное предложение в английском:
1)His wife watered plants in the garden
2)She cooked a good diner.
3)They wrote a diction
Напишите пожалуйста так:
На примере:
+His wife watered plants in the garden (Его жена поливала растения в саду) Past Simple (а в прошедшем времени отрицательный глагол Did ну кто знает разбирайте пожалуйста)
если не нужен специальный, не пишите, я просто пример привела, зачем сразу как нарушение отмечать, когда все верно... Странные люди, им помочь хочешь, а они еще тебя и опустят... нехорошо...Ответ:
хах, язык сначала выучи, а потом говори. Слово water может употребляться как существительное так и глагол...Ответ:
1)His wife watered plants in the garden.Did his wife water plants in the garden? - общий вопросWhere did his wife water plants? - специальный вопросHis wife watered plants in the garden, didn't she? - разделительный вопросDid his wife water plants in the garden or not? - альтернативный вопрос 2)She cooked a good diner.Did she cook a good dinner? - общий вопросWhat did she cook? - специальный вопросShe cooked a good diner, didn't she? - разделительный вопросDid she cook diner or not? - альтернативный вопрос 3)They wrote a dictionDid they write a diction? - общий вопросWhat did they write? - специальный вопросThey wrote a diction, didn't they? - разделительный вопросDid they write a diction or not? - альтернативный вопрос
Еще 4 ненужных тебе вопроса, но это важно для поиска
Вопрос по английскому языку:
write an article for a school magazine(150-200 words) describing how Moscow marked its City Day.You should say:what events were organized. what kind of atmosphere there was. what was special about this particular celebration,я вас умоляю помогите,правда очень важно)
Ответов: 2
Вопрос по английскому языку:
These children have bought Book Two last Saturday-исправить ошибку-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Тема: Всё обо мне
Ex.1 Прочитать текст и выяснить смысл подчеркнутого слова из контекста.
My name is Ann. I am seventeen. I was born on the 20th of April, 1988. I live in Rostov –on-Don. My address is 20 Sladkova Street, apartment 2. My telephone number is 65-03-28.
I am middle-sized. I am not very thin. My face is oval. I have a fair complexion. My forehead is narrow and high. I have a straight nose and round chin. My eyebrows are penciled, my eyelashes are thick and long. I have large hazel eyes. My hair is chestnut, straight and long.
I am a student of the Economical College. I like my future profession.
I live with my family. I have a mother and an elder brother. It’s not large, but very good. We love each other very much. I have a lot of friends too.
I am fond of reading and playing computer games. I also like sport. My favourite sport is tennis. My friends and I often play tennis, go for a walk or to the disco.
Ex.2 Ответить на вопросы:
1. How old is Ann?
2. Is Ann a student?
3. Is Ann’s family large or small?
4. What is Ann fond of?
5. Is her favourite sport football?
Ex.3 Заполнить анкету
General information
Date of birth:
Face: Family
Interests/ preferences
Favorite sport:
Extra information:
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите грамотно расставить слова в предложения
performance, workforce, competitive, persuasive , subsidiary, interview
5. The …………………… manager will spend more time working with their subordinates in order to try to convince them of the benefits of the decision that have been made.
6. I am pleased to report that the financial ………………….. of our company has been excellent.
7. Te market place for our products continues to be highly ………………..
8. Unfortunately, we had to close down our Antwerp ………………….. .
9. It resulted in 2% cut in our …………………….
10. This week I …………………….. candidates for the top jobs in Slovakia.
Ответов: 1