Вопрос по английскому языку:
Speak about one of your parents or a man/a woman you know.
When was he/she born?
Where was he/she born?
What was his/her family like?
Where did he/she go to school?
What career did he/she choose?
Did he/she go to college or university?
Does he/she like his/her work?
Is he/she successful in his/her work?
What is he/she interested in?
What does he/she do in his/her free time?-
Предположим, что ты знаком со мной :-)) Вот ответыWhen was he/she born? She was born in 1982Where was he/she born? She was born in Kaliningrad, RussiaWhat was his/her family like? She is from a big familyWhere did he/she go to school? She went to school in KaliningradWhat career did he/she choose? She chose to be a lawyerDid he/she go to college or university? She graduated from the University of Kaliningrad regionDoes he/she like his/her work? She really likes her workIs he/she successful in his/her work? She is successful in her workWhat is he/she interested in? She is interested in studying foreign langaugesWhat does he/she do in his/her free time? She spends time in her countryhouse in her free time
Еще 4 ненужных тебе вопроса, но это важно для поиска
Вопрос по английскому языку:
отгадайте о чем идет речь?
. My first is the synonym of the word «fog»,
My second is the 12th letter of the alphabet,
My third is the letter that comes after D,
My fourth is the part of our body,
My whole is one of the Christmas plants.
отгадайте о чем идет речь?
. Мой первый-это синоним слова «туман»,
Мой второй - 12-я буква алфавита,
Мое третье письмо, которое приходит после D,
Мой четвертый-это часть нашего тела,
Вся моя одна из Рождественских растений.
Подскажите о чём идёт речь? (Загадка связанная на тему Рождество).-
Ответов: 2
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Fill in the gaps with modal verbs or their equivalents.
1. The doctor said, “The child is very ill. He ____ be taken to the hospital at once.
2. Everybody _________ learn a foreign language.
3. When I was young, I ___________ run for miles.
4. Yesterday I stayed at home because I __________ to help my father.
5. I’m sorry I’m late. _____ I come in?
6. Her English is very poor, she ____ study very hard.
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите прочитать ангийский на русском
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами притяжательных
1. How old is . . . son? 2. . . . sister’s teacher is a man, but . . . is a woman. 3. “Are these books . .
.?” “Yes, they are . . . .” 4. . . . shop is the best shop in the plant. 5. . . . brother is at school.
Where is . . .? 6. They like to read my books because . . . are not very interesting. 7. Their ties are
black but . . . are blue. 8. My brother is an engineer and . . . is a doctor.-
Ответов: 1