Вопрос по английскому языку:
Составьте 10 предложений с was и 10 предложений с were. СРОЧНО-
there was a table in the room.-был стол в комнате .there was a plant next to the window.-было растение рядом с окном .there was a girl in the room.-была девочка в комнате .there was a TV on the wall.-был телевизор на стене .there was a man in the street.-там был человек, на улице.there was a phone in the bag.-был телефон в сумке .there was a book on the table.-была книга на столе.there was a pen in my hand.-было перо в руке.there was a house near a shop.-был дом рядом с магазином .there was a bag on the floor.-был мешок на полу . there were some people in the street.-были некоторые люди на улице .there were some tomatoes in the fridge.-были некоторые помидоры в холодильнике .there were two pencils in my bag.-было два карандаши в моей сумке there were some mistakes in the text.-были некоторые ошибки в тексте .there were some pupils in the library.-были некоторые ученики в библиотеке .there were some pictures on the wall.-были некоторые фотографии на стене .there were three windows in the room.-было три окна в комнате .there were some chairs in the room.-были некоторые стулья в комнате .there were some books on the floor,-были некоторые книги по полу ,there were many sweets in my hand.-было много сладостей в моей руке
Еще 4 ненужных тебе вопроса, но это важно для поиска
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите с домашним заданием!!!!!!
Напишите информацию, о которой тебя просят.
1. Write 5 subjects you have in Year 4.
2. Write 5 things you've got in your school bag now.
3. Write 5 people in your family.
4. Write what you usually eat for breakfast.
5. Write what toys you have in your room.
6. Write the names of the rooms in your flat.
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
2. Answer the questions. 0. Have you done your homework today? -Yes,I have done me homework today. 1. Have you visited your grandma this week? _______________. 2. Has your mother cooked a meal today? _________________. 3. Have you had a fair at school this year? _______________. 4. Has your friend helped you this week? _________________. 5. Have you read a new book this month? ________________________. короче вставьте в пропуски допустим Да, моя мама готовила печенье сегодня.-
Ответов: 2
Вопрос по английскому языку:
сочинение на английском языке на тему пантера-
Ответов: 1
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите, с английским, пожалуйста!
3. Zeta has sent me two letters; neither of which ....
a) has arrived b) have arrived c) arrive d) is arriving
4. fhere! ... this big heavy cloud in the sky; I am sure it'll rain in a minute.
a) Do you see b) I lave you seen c) Are you seeing d) I lave you been seeing
5. Nora, you look awfully tired. What ... all day?
a) do you do b) are you doing c) have you been doing d) have you done
Past Tenses
6. I didn t see Linda last month because she ... around Lurope at that time.
a) travelled b) was travelling c) had travelled d) had been travelling
7. It wasn t raining when 1 looked out of the window; the sun was shining. But it... earlier. That's why the ground was wet.
a) rained b) was raining e) had rained d) had been raining
8. I looked everywhere lor my ear keys and then 1 remembered that my son... the car to work.
a) took b) had taken c) was taking d) had been taking
9. When Alice was small, she... of darkness and always slept with the light on. a) used to be afraid b) was afraid c) had been afraid d) afraided
10. Greg didn't want to be late for the theatre. 1 le drove as fast as he could. The play... as he walked in the door of the theatre.
a) was just beginning b) had just began c) just began d) had been just beginning
Future Tense
11. Ted is looking for a job. He is a good worker and 1 hope that by the end of the month he ... a good job.
a) will find b) is going to find c) will have found d) is finding
12. I am reading an English book now, It is so interesting that by the end of the day i ... reading it.
a) am finishing b) will have finished c) will be finishing d) will finish
13. They... all the problems by the end of the meeting, i am afraid.
a) won’t settle b) won't have settled c) aren’t settling d) won't be settling
14. Lionel will come to London as soon as you... a place for him to stay.
a) have found b) will find c) will have found d) are going to find
15. Did you write that letter to Jack? - Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. 1... it in the evening.
a) will have written b) will have been writing c) will write d) am writing-
Ответов: 1